With the right subscription, the entire world becomes my home

Photo: Roam

Photo: Roam


By using Roam, you subscribe to live and work across the world. And no price can be put on the good company that comes along naturally. 


One girl wrote her first film script in Indonesia, another organised events in Arabic countries to support women's rights, a young man and organiser travelled all around Palestine, another took part in a capoeira class with one of the best teachers of this martial art in Java.

There are at least a thousand people who upgraded their work, travel, and adventures with comfort, company, and a creative space. These are the people who became digital nomads. They are nomadic, but they do not live in tents, know little about deserts, don't share their lives with camels, or navigate by the stars.


By subscribing to Roam you can move your life in a moment, going from Indonesia to the USA, Japan, or the United Kingdom.


If you followed members of the Roam community on its online platform, you'd notice that while they travel a lot, they still like to settle into designer flats. Despite this, they usually try to keep away from too many material possessions and prefer to live in a community bound by the need for diversity and interconnectedness. They’re not all from the same country, they’re not the same age, or doing the same job. They are co-living and co-working. 

Their world is no smaller than anyone else’s, but it does seem more accessible and manageable, created as such by technology. You no longer need to even leave your armchair to do your job, and it can be anywhere in the world. Well, at least where it was imagined as such by the creators of Roam, which for now can be enjoyed in Ubudu in Bali, in San Francisco, Miami, London, or Tokyo. 

For a minimum of 500 dollars a week or 1800 dollars a month (and never for more than 4200 dollars a month), you can share a home of a substantial size with about 20 other people, in which everyone has their private bedroom and bathroom, but are never alone in the working space, where cultural events or communal dinners occasionally take place. 

Photo: Roam

Photo: Roam


They especially like to emphasise that the co-habitants will always have a good internet connection. Roam has therefore adjusted the living experience to the habits and possibilities of the 21st century. 


Communal creation


If your work is of the sort that can be easily done anywhere in the world, you can submit your application to join the nomadic society on their website, Roam.co. Once it has been reviewed and verified, you will be invited to join the community. You will sign a contract, after which you pay the subscription fee, create, and most importantly, allow yourself to enjoy infinite adventures, all according to the principles of life per month.

Roam does not provide ordinary hotel rooms, nor is it comparable to Airbnb, and is more than just a co-working space, as it enables you to live and work in the same space, enjoying both. Once you are accepted in one location, you can always change it and move into one of the other 50, which is the number currently available. There is nothing wrong with staying put for as long as you like, but they still don’t want you to simply move in, no matter how good your reasons. 

Photo: Roam

Photo: Roam


Firstly, you don’t have to spend your morning chasing the bus, and you can show up at your »office« in your pyjamas. Additionally, the door to the communal space is always open, so even if you get a burst of inspiration at six in the morning, you won't have to wait for the caretaker to show up and let you in. Of course, you can choose to wait for them, as the caretaker might turn out to be good company, or become a character in your film script.